If anyone ever tells you that Asexual Visibility and Awareness isn’t important, just remember that when I told my therapist I was asexual, she told me I probably had a hormone imbalance.


I tried to tell her that no, I’m simply not attracted to members of any gender, and that many people identify as asexual. She suggested that I bring it up to a “different doctor.”

When I told my cousin and his boyfriend, they both told me that everyone loves sex and that I was just too young to understand.

While my parents are both extremely supportive now, when I first came out they suggested that I was actually gay and just trying to hide if from them (as they’re both very liberal and LGBTQ-positive, I have no idea why they thought I would hide something like that). My mom told me that it was “unfair” that I wasn’t going to give her grandchildren.

People have told me that being in a celibate relationship with a non-asexual person would be ABUSIVE. They told me that I need to have sex to satisfy my partner – that it is my responsibility

Multiple family members have even insinuated that I’m not in a real relationship because my relationship with my boyfriend isn’t at all physical.

This is important, guys. Asexual Awareness Week is important. No one deserves to feel broken.