




If your vote is really that unimportant, why are the Republicans trying so hard to take the ability away from college students, people of color, and other groups that tend to vote against them? How is it revolutionary to do exactly what they want?

this post doesn’t even make senses tho

It does make senses. It makes a lot of senses. At least five. Look up voter ID laws, or Republican governors restricting early voting or changing the rules so that college students can’t vote in the location of their campuses, or two-thirds of Milwaukee’s black voters being struck from the rolls before the midterms, or Shelby County v. Holder, or any of the other attempts by Republicans at restricting voting rights.

Look at that one time where they caught Republican operatives handing out fliers saying that Democrats are to vote the day after election day.

They’ve done that more than once. They also had robocalls in some states telling the wrong date, and IIRC there was a mailer in one state. And then there were the times in 2004 and 2012 when they were caught throwing away voter registration forms filled out by people who wanted to register as Democrats.