–you chicken fried fuck
-you sandy bathing suit
-you neon croc
-you cup of cold creamerless coffee
-you fucking sea cucumber
-you squishy brown end
-you dirty sock
-you chunky carton of milk
-you saggy armpit
-you pisscouch
-you unnecessary stock footage
-you crap coated mailbox flag
-you absolute fucking walnut
-you fucking muppet
-you stale pretzel
-you white crayon
-you desk lamp
-you moldy bread
–you pie eating dick biscuit
–you pompous boner nazi
-you slimy ass goblin
-you herpes infested douche canoe
-you fucking monday
-you dick bitch
-you wobbly chair leg
-you left handed drawing
-you spongy rump fed foot licker
-you screeching alarm clock
-you armpit sweat stain
-you turd coated asshat
–you cock juggling thundercunt
-you coatless eskimo
-you wrinkles pair of capris
-you expired bitch
–you ashy layer of epidermis
-you sugarless bar of chocolate
–you mother fucking donkey snout
-you useless fungal infection
-you Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
-you diarrhea appocalypse
These are the nicest ways of cursing but hurts 123895013745080x more