The Westboro Baptist Church is picketing my temple




This is happening tomorrow (April 10) during Shabbat services. The temple has asked the members of our congregation to come to services to show WBC that they can’t stop us from practicing our own religion. That being said, it would be awesome if other Jews from the area came to show solidarity. It is Temple Rodef Shalom in Falls Church, Virginia. The service is at 8 PM, and more information about the temple can be found here.

If you do come, ABSOLUTELY DO NOT engage or argue with any member of the WBC, as they film themselves when they picket. If you need to walk past them, just ignore them. If they try to engage you, ignore them

If you have any questions about how to navigate the temple or anything else, feel free to send me an ask.

More details. Please reblog.


I’ve spoken with the original poster, and I am going to ask you to REBLOG THIS. DO NOT JUST “LIKE,” DO NOT JUST READ, REBLOG.

First a very short story: I’ve had run-ins with WBC before. When I was in the National March for Equality, I was spit on by Shirley Phelps-Roper; I responded by turning my head in the other direction to show her my other cheek, smiling, and saying “Jesus loves you, ma’am.” She called me an animal and told me to rot in hell.

These are not nice people. These are not good people. These are not sane people. They will not harm you because doing so would leave them open to lawsuits, but they will do their damnedest to make your life unpleasant.

I AM CALLING ON YOU TO SPREAD THE WORD TO VIRGINIAN GENTILES TO ATTEND THIS TEMPLE SERVICE AND BLOCK WBC FROM ACCESS TO SYNAGOGUE MEMBERS AND THE TEMPLE ENTRANCE. If you are able to attend this service, here’s what you should do (tips from a former picketer/marcher, i.e. myself):

–Arrive about 7pm, if you can. Remain as late as you can into the temple service, or until WBC leaves. If you do not see them, remain anyway.

If media cover this story and wish to speak to you, be polite. Make “we” and “everyone” statements, such as “everyone deserves the right to worship in peace” and “we didn’t think it was right for them to be harassing people who just want to pray.” Don’t other yourself from the Jews in the temple or set yourself up as the Great Gentile Savior; do emphasize that this is a peaceful religious service being interrupted by hate.

–Leave your Jesus at home. You are attending in solidarity.

–Leave any Israel/Palestine conflict at home, too. This is not about Israel, it is about Jews who are being attacked for existing.

–Make sure you wear nice clothes, even if you need to wear sneakers in order to have comfy shoes to stand in. You will be outside the temple, but this is a religious service–it’s basic respect to those inside. (It’ll probably also make you look nicer than WBC. Their wardrobes are, um, lacking. And often slovenly.)

–Don’t forget to take water!

–Be ready to walk with attendees to the temple, and to escort them away if necessary. Basically, be a “walk buddy”–it may not prevent things from being screamed at you, but sometimes the most powerful thing is knowing you’re not alone.

And finally:

It’s best not to engage at all. But if you want to carry counter-protest signs to support temple attendees, I strongly recommend choosing quotes about love, peace, and strength by Jews. You have plenty to choose from–among other famous Jews like Maimonides and Anne Frank you can find such contemporary voices as Jon Larson (playwright/lyricist of RENT), Idina Menzel (the voice of Elsa), Adam Lambert, and Dan Radcliffe. Do not accompany such signs with shouting, jeering, singing, etc.–hold them in silence.

Additions and addendums to this post by Jewish voices are welcome and encouraged if I’ve made a mistake or left out something important.