It’s the Federal Election. You’re waiting in line at the local public school. There are representatives. They call out. They screech out. They squawk out. They are merely ravenous magpies.
The ad comes on the tv again. 1300655506. You hear the chant. 1300655506. You cannot stop it. 1300655506. It gets stuck in your head. 1300655506. 1300655506. 1300655506.
The Liverpool fountain starts foaming again. The foam overflows and floods the street and shops. No one knows the pink creature was once a living man. The foam turns red.
Do not question the Orb at the National Art Gallery. The Orb simply is. The Orb must simply be.
It’s sweltering. Christmas returns with the ungodly heat. The man in a Best and Less Xmas tank verbalises this while sipping his VB. Another man appears before him. It is Jesus Christ. The man begins an offensive drunken rage on Jesus’ nationality.
Foxtel. Foxtel. Fox tel. Fox tell. Foxes tell. Foxes tell of our demise. Fox tell.
Marge, Marge, the rains are here! You look up, but the rain is the tears of your children. They cry from the pain of being eaten savagely by corn. Ah McCain, you’ve done it again.
You can see them, they begin to congregate. The black clad hoardes descend upon Macarthur Square. It’s too late. You can’t escape. You’re trapped in 2005.