y’all go on for days about slytherin/hufflepuff relationships but slytherin/ravenclaw?
- slytherins and ravenclaws getting in long winded debates about stupid shit because no, jerry, it’s not more efficient to stuff all the chicken nuggets in your mouth at once.
- they shit talk literally everyone. nothing brings people together like mutual hatred
- lets be real both houses are practically information brokers in their own rights. if you dont think they’d have each other’s backs 24/7 youre wrong.
- in continuation to the last bulletin, ravenclaws helping their snake friends on tests while slytherins warn their nerd friends about shitty people or rumours that are going around about them
- insult-based friendships. “jerry you fucking idiot.” “shut up tom you love me.” “yeah but that’s not the point.”
- stern ravenclaws that keep their snakes at bay and remind them that revenge is a futile human coping mechanism that has no real emotional benefits and often results in stronger negative emotions than the situation that required revenge
- slytherins that help their raven friends not be complete pushovers or give into bullying, and give them what they need to stand up for themselves even on a small scale.
- so much sarcasm you guys