
Is it impossible for a Dragon a Ball character to be an atheist, given that they all know for a fact that God exists and his name is Dende and he’s green? Or is it impossible for a Dragon Ball character to be anything OTHER than an atheist, because they know these things about God, and also know that most of them could beat him up, and that he has social anxiety and is pretending to be busy so he doesn’t have to talk to Goku?

Like: imagine that you know for a fact that sometimes God can’t hear your prayers, because he’s in his room, stressing out over something he said last month that he thinks might have hurt “Mr. Satan”’s feelings. Does the possession of this harrowing knowledge make you an atheist?

Are Dragon Ball characters atheists if they don’t “believe in” Dende in the sense that they don’t respect him as a person? Like, Dende decides to do something hard, and Gohan says “you can do it, I believe in you!” and Vegeta says “ehhh.” Does this attitude make Vegeta an atheist? Does Dende’s social anxiety make Dende an atheist