We had a pair of Anatolian Shepherd/Rhodesian Ridgeback mixes at the greenhouse I used to work at. Fabulously lazy guard dogs, WEIRD looking animals. Teddy and Zeus liked me a whole lot becuase I had good scritching gloves and gave them headcheese once.



Oh wow that does sound like quite the mix. I would LOVE a lazy guard dog, my main worry is that we might get a dog which needs more Active Training And Stimulation than just “wander around 4 acres with this herd of goats and yell at strangers”, bc that is not something I am equipped to provide lol

they had a 13-acre tree nursery and crowded garden center to patrol, but mostly slept in front of the AC in the office or hung out in the Kid’s Playset becuase it was 10 feet off the ground.

They were the result of two texas ranchers not fixing thier respective LGDs, and the owner of the greenhouse took them back to CO.  They were sort of a light red color with black face masks and teddy had white feet.  instead of a ridge they had a sort of Mowhawk or longer guard hairs down the entire length of thier backs, which would stand up if they were Alert or Pissed Off about something.

Not the most human-sociable dogs, mostly would watch everyone and occasionally follow you around if they were bored and you were doing something interesting, but didn’t necessarily want your affection all the time. Also never chased the six gajillion rabbits on the property (that was Taco the ChiPit’s job). 

One Cool Thing the owner trained them to do was that all the employees had walkie-talkies becuase 13 acres is a bit much to shout over.  Channel 1 was for general communication, channel 2 was for directing delivery trucks, and channel 3 made a nearly-inaudible high-pitched shreiking noise, which would instantly summon Teddy and Zeus to stand on either side of you, being tall and menacingly slobbery which was GREAT if creepy dudes were stalking you around the premisies.

I wanted them to like me because a lot of my self-esteem is tied up in Dogs Liking Me, so I gave them Headcheese and Butt Scratches.  It worked!