
i often see all these poems and headcanons about modern greek gods and i yawn whenever they’re exclusively us-based because honestly

  • hermes would be completely fascinated with traveling by plane. staying in a city for more than one day would be a preposterous idea when there’s a whole world to see, transportation systems to try, adapt and revolutionize. can a japanese bullet train break his record on land? what about the lockheed sr-71 blackbird in the air? what about the panama canal? the moscow metro system would hold a special place in his heart, with its beautiful architecture and its daring nature, reaching the very depths of the mortal world. let’s say it’s his favorite gateway to guide souls to the afterlife from. (i’ll omit his stunts in china’s underground black market, for the sake of simplicity. he is the patron of thieves and smugglers after all.)
  • artemis would favor the great african plains, the australian and north-american wilderness, and the amazon rainforest. she’d be at home among the hunting groups, reborn as a huntress each time, learning about the cultures that far transcend her own. she’d bring hope, strength and health to the young girls growing alongside her, teaching them the ancient ways of the hunt and protecting them from harm. but artemis would also lead in major women-driven movements around the world, aiding in hospitals at war-torn zones, bringing the miracle of life to even the most desolate of places. she’d accept women of all backgrounds and walks of life as her protégés, whether they fit the physical description or not. artemis would never leave any of them behind.
  • apollo would thrive in the arts, from broadway to bollywood, from the louvre to a small, self-sustained gallery in colombia or argentina, the brilliant street artists in brazil and barcelona, the lively musicians in the antilles. he’d inspire young musicians, artists and writers all over the world to follow their paths; appearing at random gigs to encourage that south-african band making their first public appearance, leaving random bouts of inspiration to the troubled poet in pakistan, or helping the young illustrator from amsterdam find the motivation to finish that project that’s got them stuck. no matter how big or small the task, apollo is ready to offer insight and inspiration whenever and wherever it is needed.
  • athena, so amazed by the internet and the speed with which information can be shared, creating accounts on every single piece of social media and imparting her wisdom via her words and pictures, inspiring the youth to learn more and think more and understand more than ever. she’d lead movements for social justice, fight tooth and claw in protests all over the world, slowly but surely weaving her way into the corrupt legal systems and destroying them from the inside each time she is reborn. 
  • hades, wanderer of obscure cathedrals and abandoned cemeteries, ironically finds himself often in vatican city, meteora, egypt and tibet, always exploring the most spiritual side of humanity.  his travels are quiet and respectful in nature, with the mere intention of observing the human rituals concerning death and the afterlife. El Día De Los Muertos in Mexico is by far the one that’s intrigued him the most.