




the guardian imagines what historical figures might look like today. my personal favourite is shakespeare, reincarnated as a shoreditch hipster.

but can you imagine how’d he’d sound a loft party? 

“I’m going to subvert the whole, like, narrative ideal by telling you upfront that these two, like, teenagers are going to fall in love and die, and then do it. So there’s no more hiding in the words. Stark, yeah? And then, I think I’ll hide a sonnet in their big scene together, right? It’ll be subversive, because only, you know, people who are up on sonnets will get it…..what? No, she’s thirteen—a little edgy but that’s art, man. Art.”

i am loving hipster shakespeare

This explains so much. Hipster Shakespeare drank too many experimental microbrews one night:

"Will, we need this bit done, buddy. We’ve got rehearsal in ten minutes.”

“Shit, I dunno. Uh. Exit.”

“Just… "Exit”?“

"Exit, pursued by a bear.”

“Will, come on.”

“I think I left my LUNGS in that bucket, Robbie, okay? Exit, pursued by a bear. It’s surrealism. Man versus wild. Whatever. Get me a Gatorade and a shit ton of Advil, and maybe I can work out what I’m going to do with the statue.”

#the epitome of a wasted uni degree until he’s not (via dionysae)