Each house helping their disabled/mentally ill/neurodiverse housemates in their own special ways~!
- Gryffindors forming a group of volunteer students to walk students with PTSD to classes or through the castle at night, so they can always be in the presence of people they trust.
- Gryffindors hexing bullies who mock D/deaf students’ signed spells.
- Gryffindors petitioning to change old fashioned rules about taking OWLs and NEWTs that put ADHD students at an unfair disadvantage.
- Gryffindors who know that bravery comes in many forms, who are openly and unabashedly impressed when their depressed housemates summon the strength to get out of bed on bad days, and will punch anyone who thinks having a panic attack is indicative of cowardice.
- Gryffindors insisting that The Fat Lady give out signed passwords that D/deaf, mute, and nonverbal students can use, in addition to spoken passwords.
- Ravenclaws staying on top of all the newest advances in sensory spells and calming potions so if one of their autistic housemates has a meltdown they can be sure to help them in the best way possible.
- Ravenclaws helping learning disabled students come up with mnemonics to better remember information.
- Ravenclaws having a bookcase full of writing about famous disabled, mentally ill, and neurodiverse wixen, so they can give students the representation they don’t find in traditional history of magic courses.
- Ravenclaws getting really excited and enthusiastic when an autistic student infodumps on them, because knowledge.
- Ravenclaws being fascinated by the diverse ways students take in, process, and deliver information, and being deeply and personally offended by the idea that there is any “wrong way” to learn.
- Hufflepuffs always having a supply of treats and blankets when their depressed classmates feel overwhelmed, making sure they know their offer to form a cuddle pile is always open.
- Hufflepuffs spending their breaks sewing weights into quilts and robes for autistic wixen.
- Hufflepuffs understanding that “just and fair” doesn’t mean “treat everyone exactly the same no matter what” but “understand each individual’s needs, abilities and privileges, and make sure they have the resources they need to do their best”.
- Hufflepuffs who are amazing, patient listeners, and always down for a feelings jam, venting, infodumping, or all of that at once.
- Hufflepuffs who spend all of their free time learning how to sign so they can be better friends with their D/deaf housemates.
- Slytherins teaching autistic students to read subtle body language cues and project confidence.
- Slytherins helping to tailor dress robes of a wheelchair user so they look stunning but don’t get their skirts caught up in their wheels.
- Slytherins who come from rich families “forgetting” galleons in the rooms of friends who don’t have enough money to pay for the latest magic mobility devices.
- Slytherins letting the Bloody Baron know to make himself scarce when students who are triggered by the sight of blood are nearby.
- Slytherins making up nonverbal codes so that students can alert their housemates if they’re about to have a panic attack or breakdown and still look totally aloof and collected.
Hogwarts students of all houses coming together due to shared neurology and ability, forming mixed house cliques and not giving a crap~!
This is awesome firstly because it’s awesome, but secondly because I had never heard the term “wixen” before, and as soon as I read it, I had to read it aloud, the word slipping off my tongue in reverent tones. Beautiful.