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Essex social services obtained a High Court order against the woman that allowed her to be forcibly sedated and her child to be taken from her womb.
The council said it was acting in the best interests of the woman, an Italian who was in Britain on a work trip, because she had suffered a mental breakdown.

If you are not absolutely terrified and outraged by this you are wrong. The precedent this sets put every person on earth in danger.

oh my god read the article this is FUCKING HORRIFIC. she got back on her bipolar disorder medication and is in recovery but they won’t give her her child back “because of the risk she might relapse”. What you’re fucking saying with that is that mentally ill people shouldn’t even be allowed children even if they’re safe and well *just in case*, that we’re a permanent threat to ourselves and others even when we’re in treatment and recovery and living a stable life. I am FUCKING LIVID

Over a fucking panic attack. I’m fucking serious, all of this over a single panic attack. They took her baby in the most horrific way possible because she had a fucking panic attack.

From the Article:

She suffered a panic attack, which her relations believe was due to her failure to take regular medication for an existing bipolar condition.

It’s worth noting, that it’s very common for people on psychiatric medication to go off of their meds if they become pregnant, because of risk of side effects. 

I bolded the above. I wanted there to be no one to think that she was being irresponsible for not haven taken her meds regularly. She did it for good reason, for the health of her own baby. And she got punished for it.

i fucking cant

So she did what was best for her kid, has ONE SINGLE PANIC ATTACK WHICH IS A THING THAT CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE WHETHER THEY HAVE A MENTAL ILLNESS OR NOT and decide that they can literally violate her body in a horrific manner and take her kid away. But she’s the dangerous one.

Terribly sad. I hope this gets worked out in her benefit.

I can’t even imagine how terrifyingly awful that situation had to have been. Forcing a woman, against her will, to undergo sedation and then waking up in pain, without the fetus you’ve been carrying for 9 months? That’s beyond the pale. How much do the rights of an unborn fetus circumvent the rights of a full-grown adult? How much do we have to other the mentally ill, treating them (us) as less than human? She was literally treated like a breeding animal, with no cause of concern for her safety, mental health or well-being. Fuck. Fuck.

The British government won’t even hand the baby over to the Italian government. They’re keeping it in a British foster home. THIS WOMAN’S BABY MIGHT NOT EVEN GROW UP SPEAKING HER LANGUAGE IF SHE DOESN’T GET IT BACK.

The entire fucking world should be enraged over this case. What gives them the right???