





oh man but what if there was the same culture about magic as with other things in academia. Like there was this old fashioned way of doing potions and casting spells and creating charms and then a street way that might be more edgy and experimental. Like people programming spells and shit into their phones is frowned upon and new spells are considered fake and not real because they were not in the older academic books and a street level alchemy would produce dangerous new things but also kickass new potions and charms to help people but the government would not take them seriously 

and people look at new-age magic like new-age medicine, like there are community groups who swap homemade spells like remedies and you can go to an ‘alternative’ school or doctor or what have you and learn more about it but you might not be taken seriously by academia

yes this is good tell me more

ok but pentagrams done in graffiti on the streets is said to be weaker than doing it in some fancy ass other method when there is actually no proof of this being so and books written on how to cast spells are hard to read and dense and annoying but there is a culture pasted down of verbal magic that has evolved into something different and lets take a kid who comes from this street magic culture and is fucking strong and powerful going to some preppy elite school for mages and not knowing how to do shit with all these expensive ingredients for a potion because yo potatoes work just fine too

are you now telling me about class dynamics within magic okay lets play this game

name-brand spell materials come about and are required by academic magic classes just like specific non-resellable textbooks, and people start flea-market style things to swap unused materials after the semester ends, and people finding alternatives to these but the professors won’t let them in class because it’s not approved by whatever government agency/corporation regulates this stuff for safety

people learning how to do magic at home from their parents and communities and coming to school to learn how to do exactly the same thing but less effectively and for more money

city kids coming up with brilliant magical solutions to problems and them not being listened to by academia at large because they didn’t “do it right” or use recognized, branded materials

ok so lets say most people have the ability to be a little bit magical but some people have more than others and are stronger so the elite in this culture have ways to enhance their powers

we have politicians playing games on the regulation of magic use and people being divided on how much power mages get on systems and the price fixing and the stereotypes

lets talk about backwoods magic in middle of nowhere where people have developed spells so specific to the area and their own culture it would be impossible to bring outside 

west coast cities having a different lazier form of spell casting with longer reaching ability and more power in the base of the spell where as the upper east coast cities like new york have quick sharp spells that get the jobs done

accents impacting incantations and a kid with a lisp accidentally discovering a new way of casting a spell

cultures across the world which came up with spells for the same thing that work in almost the same way but using totally different methods, words and materials

native language affecting the outcome of spells in a second language just slightly, despite perfect pronunciation

you can enhance your powers by practicing lots of different spells for a long time, but some people have to work and don’t have the time or energy to practice spells other than everyday things like calling their kids and pets home remotely or fertilizing their window gardens or keeping mold out of their fridge or warding burglars away from the window with the broken inside lock

While we’re here let’s think about when people should and should not use magic. Is it even possible to not use any magic? Is magic like atomic force, where it’s always peripherally involved? Is using magic in certain ways and on certain objects illegal? Immoral? Unsportsmanlike? Rude? What about on other people?