


darren wilson’s injuries are more likely either self-inflicted (cheek), shaving (chin/back of the head), or rosacea/other erythema (back of the head)

his photos show visible redness of the face in peak rosacea zones (nose, forehead, cheeks). rosacea, common in white populations around wilson’s age, can affect the face and surrounding areas like neck and chest. the ‘bruise’ on the back of his head could easily be a skin condition.

his injuries had faded by evidence photos taken a few days later.


Darren Wilson claimed to have a cut on his hand (pg 224 of the documents), which was not made available through any of the medical exam photos, nor was it written anywhere in the diagnosis, which was thorough enough to mention the facial contusion, which would have been less evident than a laceration.

This claims no laceration in skin. I don’t know if anyone here has ever done a report, but I’ve sat through write ups of them. It covers all skin. A hand laceration would’ve been claimed; otherwise the ‘no laceration’ wouldn’t have been recorded.

There was minimal palpable pain to the left mid maxillary region, which is the area roughly between the nose and the cheek on the left side, and noted with no deformity (i.e., no visible injury); mild palpable pain on the right mid mandible and maxillary region (the nose-cheek area plus cheek). If this bruise was sustained from Mike Brown punching him, he would’ve had to reach around him to the other side and punch him. (Wilson would have been in the driver seat, on the left side, with his left cheek showing; the bruise is on his right cheek.)

The hairline (back of the neck images) sustained superficial abrasions. A superficial abrasion means that it didn’t go deeper than the skin—i.e., not a bruise. Most likely they are first-degree abrasions and are therefore about as serious as if you peeled off a layer of your skin near your nail, or accidentally scraped your hand on some bark. They were also noted as faint. Even if they weren’t a skin condition, there’s no telling if they were recent or not. 

His head exam comes up as atraumatic. No trauma. Completely normal. He was prescribed with Naproxen, an NSAID that is comparable to ibuprofen and is most commonly prescribed to control pain associated with inflammation.

Basically: Darren Wilson sustained no injury and lied in his testimony about his injuries

I know everyone knows the basics of the lies but pls reblog this. Understanding medical terminology isnt something that everyone can do/has the energy to do automatically and its better to be informed than leave everyone to float. I haven’t seen the people publishing these examinations addressing the lack of a hand laceration or that the neckline was classified as faint superficial abrasions (aka faint scrapes) rather than a bruise (in fact I saw a post claiming that the doctors were calling it a bruise; thats misinformation, its classified as an abrasion in the medical report

Also, further: If Mike Brown was right-handed, he would’ve likely had to uncomfortably reach around behind Darren Wilson’s head in order to punch him on the right cheek.