please read this


Some of you might have seen this video of Yeonmi Park speaking at the One Young World summit recently. If you haven’t, please watch it.

Yeonmi Park is amazing. She is so strong, and she is brave on a level that so many of will never have to understand. 

But I’ve hardly seen any media coverage, she barely has any support on social sites like facebook and twitter – and she is incredible. She escaped North Korea, she crossed the damn Gobi desert in winter with only the stars to guide her, she’s taught herself English, she’s traveled the world to raise awareness of the terrible, terrible situation in her home country, she’s now studying criminal justice and campaigning constantly to shine a light on the atrocities being committed in North Korea. She’s only 21.

She’s also found out that even now, North Korea have her on a target list of enemies the state want to eliminate. Instead of shutting up, being quiet, saving herself from potential danger, she’s said this:

“When I was crossing the Gobi desert I thought nobody really cared, you know? Even though I was dying there nobody was going to remember me. These girls too. They are dying. They are being raped. But nobody is going to remember them. Nobody is going to care for them. That is why I thought, “I’m going to do this and there is no way I will stop doing this.’’ 

Yeonmi Park is a heroine. To so passionately fight for other people, far away from her, even when it jeopardizes her own life is an incredible thing to do. Read about her, find out more about her, find out more about the current state in North Korea, and signal boost her and her message.