
I wish people wouldn’t make posts about how to deal with tear gas/protests unless they actually know what they’re talking about. 

I am a trained street medic and I’ve personally been tear gassed more times than I can count.

– Do not use soda or water to wash tear gas out of your eyes. Use a combination of liquid maalox and water, 50:50. That’s what works. 

– They can literally tear gas you anywhere you stand in relation to the police because riot cops have gas masks. I’ve been tear gassed within five feet of the front line of police. They do not care. 

– Before my very first protest I asked my friend who’d been doing this for over 5 years if I should soak my bandana in vinegar. She laughed and said, “I have no idea who started that rumor but it’s never done shit for me or anyone I’ve ever known.”

– If you are bulimic or have chronic vomiting, please keep in mind that the mucus membrane in your throat is a precious tender baby and you will be much more effected by tear gas than everyone around you and you will feel it in your throat for weeks afterwards and NO ONE EVER WARNS YOU ABOUT THIS.

– The police probably won’t zip tie you with your hands in front, they pretty much know how easy it is to break out of those.

– People with asthma should always carry their inhalers because that shit is real bad when you get sprayed with tear gas. 

– Never go to a protest alone. Always have a buddy there and always let someone who isn’t going know where you are, your legal name, and your birthday so if you get snatched they can check the jails and the online database for you. (note: this does not work when they grab hundreds of people at once or sometimes they just never put your name in the database yay!)

Seriously y’all, this is not the time for posturing. If you don’t know something, ask a street medic or google it.