Attention everyone who buys or sells with Storenvy


A few days ago, Storenvy implemented a new policy in which it will take 10% of the artist’s earnings from any sale made from the “marketplace”

For most artists here on tumblr, Storenvy is a fantastic platform to make a few extra bucks. For some, the money they make by selling their art/creations on Storenvy really helps them (I know I am certainly one of those people). 

In most cases, when paying for products to be professionally produced, or buying the things needed to produce it themselves, after each sale there isn’t as much profit as you would think. Taking that 10% away can be pretty harmful to artists. 

What you can do to help:

If you see something on the marketplace you like, you can easily go to their custom store and purchase it from there instead! Then the 10% isn’t taken from the artist’s earnings. 
Here’s how you do it (I will be using my store for example)

This is my marketplace store:


When you search for a series or product you might want, the product comes up on the “marketplace”. That means, unless you have the direct link to the artist’s store, most people are going to making their purchases from the marketplace (that’s how they get you!). 

So, for example sake, let’s say you searched for something one of my pieces is tagged as and you see something you like. Don’t click it and buy it. 

All you have to do is click this:


And then –  ta-da! You will end up at the artist’s custom made store:


When shopping from a custom store instead of the marketplace:

  • Prices are the same
  • Still all the same products

And with just taking the time to click that one extra button, you’re saving the artist money!!

Please consider this and spread it around! I know a lot of artists could really use the money for the items they pay to produce entirely themselves (unlike society6). 

Thank you so much!