
For any non-Aussies out there, Karl Stefanovic is a pretty beloved TV presenter on the morning show “Today”. He’s created many hilarious TV moments like eating the world’s hottest pie, losing his shit over grumpy cat, the conversation about the long stabby thing – and there was also that time where he told a bad pun Dalai Llama joke TO the Dalai Llama

Well today he revealed that (as a comment on sexism in the media) he has been wearing the same suit on air every day for a year with nobody noticing. He started doing it deliberately after seeing the backlash that his female co-hosts would constantly get over their appearances. 

“No one has noticed; no one gives a shit. But women, they wear the wrong colour and they get pulled up. They say the wrong thing and there’s thousands of tweets written about them. Women are judged much more harshly and keenly for what they do, what they say and what they wear… I’ve worn the same suit on air for a year – except for a couple of times because of circumstance – to make a point. I’m judged on my interviews, my appalling sense of humour – on how I do my job, basically. Whereas women are quite often judged on what they’re wearing on how their hair is.” -Karl Stefanovic