but this raises the question of what jesus’ god tier would be
bible side of tumblr pls help
*cracks knuckles*
well being the literal Son of God he’d have to have a master class. so lord vs muse. he fits muse much better, considering he’s the inspiration for a whole religion.
as for aspect? well that’s pretty easy, it’s life. raising lazarus from the dead, curing people’s illnesses, that all screams life.
so jesus is a muse of life.
happy easter!
well damn if that didnt just get solved. nice work
i like this headcanon except he’s literally called the Prince of Life in the Bible
Acts 3:15 from the King James Bible “And killed the Prince of life, whom God hath raised from the dead; whereof we are witnesses.” Jesus’ canon god tier is Prince of Life
i also like this just based on the fact that it means Jesus would have to wear those dumb pantaloon shorts