
Oh gosh though. It’s interesting if you go back and listen to their letters with the knowledge that Hargrove is going after him personally, and that the Director possibly knows that and still doesn’t manage to give a fuck.

“The protocol is not a guideline, dear Director. It is doctrine, and no one is above its rule.”

That’s rich.

“I value all our subjects’ well being. But I revere above all else our ability to continue as a species – our ability to survive.”

You’re both just straight up fucking lying to each other god damnit

“Please do not attempt to recast this investigation as some type of personal vendetta.”

Hahaha really Hargrove. Just wow.

“What has surprised me most about mankind during the Great War is not our ability to adapt to the new arenas of conflict, but instead, our willingness in victory to so quickly return to the old.”

Translation: Have you not forgiven me for stealing your shit yet, it wasn’t even stealing, I was just borrowing it without permission, come on.

“When they write the new morality protocols for dealing with AI, I am certain they will name entire sections of the doctrine after you. It seems that you will earn your place in history after all…dear Director.”

I hope something like this get carved into his tombstone after the whole Chorus thing.

So that sure puts a spin on the context of their letters.