


DMing Tiny Ones

I have a 4 year old I run short 15-20 minute ‘D&D’ games for. I thought some of you may find how I run these games interesting so here ya go…

The Player Character

The player can play any kind of character. They could be a weird LEGO barbarian, a squirting bath time turtle, or a broken clown doll named Zulu (my kid has issues) they all are viable given the simplicity of the rules.

Every character starts with 3 stress counters at the beginning of each session.

The Rules

To succeed at a task the player must roll a d6 and roll equal to or greater than:

DC 2-easy

DC 3- average

DC 4-hard

In non combat encounter, if a player fails a roll they can spend 1 stress to reroll and decrease the DC by 1.


‘Can I convince the ogre to be my friend by making him a pie?’

‘Absolutely! You need a 3 or better.’

‘I got a 1… *hands over a stress* can I put whip cream on it and try again?’

‘Yes you can. You now need a 2 or better.’

‘A 6!’

‘Congrats the ogre loves the pie and thinks of you as a sister!’

In a combat encounter the players are either attacking a foe or dodging a baddie’s attack (the story teller never rolls dice, just the kids). Always assume the players go first in most circumstances.

If the player is hit by a baddie’s Attack they lose 1 stress. If the character has no more stress the baddie wins that fight and the story progresses in a natural way.

Minions lose after 1 hit, and to dodge their attacks or hit them is DC 2. (If there are no villains accompanying the minions you can increase their to hit DC to 3)

Villains lose after 2 hits, and to dodge their attacks or hit them is DC 3. (The villain can escape instead of being defeated for plot purposes if necessary)


‘I rolled 2 to zap the goblin with my rainbow laser gun!’

‘You missed. The goblin screeches loudly at you trying to make your ears pop. Roll a 2 or better to protect your ears.’

‘I rolled a 4! I filled my ears with Cotten. Can I try to zap it again?’

‘Sure, you still need a 3 or better.’

‘5! I rainbow blast it!’

‘He is blinded by your radiance, runs into a wall, and knocks itself out.’

Oh no, this is so cute

This is the best thing I’ve ever read