


Study finds: White children far more negative about interactions with different races than Black children.

Is anyone actually surprised though?

These are the children of the adults who were raised by the people who fought to keep Jim Crow alive. These children are being raised by the offspring of men and women who lynched black people for sitting on the wrong side of a restaurant; the very people who fought to keep segregation alive and killed Martin Luther King Jr.

So by all means, I doubt we needed a study to prove this fact true.

To add to the above argument:

Even if the child is raised in a household where race is NOT a topic of discussion the child will still pick up on Racial Micro Aggressions.

If you have never spoken ill of black men, yet you clutch your purse or lock your windows when one is around; your child will notice that and process “black men are dangerous”. If you discuss how you don’t like when people get tans and have darker skin your child will process “dark skin is ugly” and it doesn’t help that the mass media the child is watching also projects this notion that white is the standard of beauty and those who do not adhere are deemed ugly and unworthy. If you don’t associate with people of color or keep any relations short and brief?; your child will too.

Many parents fail to realize that their children are ALWAYS watching them, always. Just like baby ducks following their mama, a child follows it’s parents. It’s a survival tactic for a child to copy the adult and bring the caregivers characteristics into their own being.

You may think “oh he didn’t say anything” or “he’s playing he’s not listening to my conversation”; but he is. Which is why many people turn out like their parents or develop similar parenting styles.