art at school is really irritating me and i think it’s mostly bc of the teacher

a lot of it is how she absolutely cannot teach and has zero organisational/time management skills (making us do an “exhibition”, which takes up a bunch of time and has nothing to do with our grade, a week before exams is a fantastic idea apparently)

but like i feel like a lot of the reason i am not enjoying this is that the way she views art is a way i just reject

like she cares about an artist. (idk how to really explain this). she used to be a curator at a major gallery. she wanted us to all make those little gallery signs saying artist and dimensions and materials and the meaning behind our work, like “my artwork has a hugeass dragon becuase it represents my inner demons” or something. and i feel like she is the sort of person who goes in a gallery and reads the artist biography thing and all of those little sign things. and that’s fine for her i guess.

but honestly i do not give a shit about all that. i find it really annoying, i don’t want people to treat my art like that. the point of my art is not what it’s made of or who made it. i don’t even know if my art has a point, i don’t draw with a point or a message or whatever in mind. if someone looks at my art and sees one that’s great for them, i don’t want to define that for them, but i didn’t draw a dragon bc of some deep meaning, i drew a dragon bc dragons are fun to draw. i want people to look at my art yeah but like i want them to look at the art, not the thing next to the art. 

i think what i’m getting at here is my art teacher looks at an artwork and sees like the socioeconomic period it was created in and the message and the meaning and i look at an artwork and look at the goddamn art. and i care about completely different things in art than my teacher does.

wow this ended up long