im getting the urge to read homestuck again. normally that’d be great but like. i need to write this. it’s due monday


Let me explain to you something. 

Ray used a slur. He said a slur for trans people. 

Here’s the thing about that though. 

Ryan said the exact same slur in the Grand Heist and that is a VERY POPULAR video, yet no one has breathed a fucking word about that. 

Ryan, Michael, Geoff, Gavin. These are the golden boys. No one comments on their nasty comments or behavior, and if they do, the complaints die down in a few days. 

Now there’s people pitching against Ray, “Don’t let this pass. Don’t forget this.” Trying to bully him into apologizing, but you know what I’m seeing?

I’m seeing a lot of people bitching about him using the slur.

I’ve yet to see anyone try and [calmly, calmly] explain to him why that is a slur

Let’s be fucking honest. Not everyone in the world knows what is or is not offensive. What’s going on here is you attacking the only POC on the AH main talent for something he probably doesn’t even fucking know it’s a slur, and if he does, I can almost assure you he doesn’t know why. If it was explained to him why it is a slur, why it falls along with racial slurs and is abusive to a group of people, maybe he’d actually fucking listen to you. 

Because you know what? Ray fucking listens, reads, interacts with fans. He does see. 

You know who doesn’t do that, even remotely? Gavin motherfucking Free.

Gavin doesn’t give a shit about you. Not even a lick. He doesn’t care, read, or interact with fans online at all. He doesn’t see the nonexistent complaints. 

Ray reads and interacts with his fans. Ray isn’t perfect, none of them are, so why are you attacking him exactly? Why is it that Ray says it and it deserves a fucking “Don’t forget this, don’t let him forget this”, but Ryan can say it [in  a far more popular video] and no one says a thing? 

Yes, Ray said a slur. YES, that slur is fucking wrong. 

Go fucking tell him why like a goddamn adult instead of shrieking like a bunch of whiny pissbabies about it. You’re just white fucking noise. Why should he listen to you if you are only screaming at him about using a slur but don’t bother being fucking mature about it. 

Stop. Attacking. Ray. 

If it matters that fucking much to you then let’s not forget

-The ongoing Rape joke in grand heist, started by Geoff.

-The continually racist, sexist, [which btw RAY has called him out on], transphobic, homophobic, classist, ableist Gavin

-The dismissive, ableist, triggering Ryan

-The transphobic/anti-labels Jack

-The rape jokes made by Lindsay

-The 9/11 joke made by Kdin

-Michael constantly casually bringing up Ferguson, trivializing it

No one is fucking perfect. No one. 

Stop centering on Ray, don’t think I don’t see you there. I know what this is fucking about. Fucking stop. They all do horrible things. Stop acting like Ray is the worst.

ew and this other one i have downloaded is significantly lower quality