
Okay, so I could not find any sort of map or layout of Night Vale and (being a huge nerd who used to make D&D Maps for her brother) I took it upon myself to make a large, comprehensive, and possibly entirely incorrect series of maps which I will have to continually alter as new podcasts come out. This is just how I picture it. I re-listened through the whole thing and took down a bunch of notes haha. I think it’s all as correct as it can be (at least as far as “First Date”). If anyone notices something incorrect please let me know.

(btw you can open that first map up in a new tab to see it better)


everyone shut up today is j.k. rowling’s birthday and i owe her my life



If ANYONE knows tumblr user the-deathly-hallows-of-my-mind  she is currently suicidal. If anyone knows where she is or who she is or even what country she is in call 911 or whatever number is appropriate because I don’t know what to do and I’m so worried right now guys. This needs to be fast guys, she’s on train tracks right now. If you could even just spread the word or send her an ask about it do anything