Jillian McCabe Accused of Throwing Autistic Son Off Oregon Bridge – NBC News
Jillian McCabe Accused of Throwing Autistic Son Off Oregon Bridge – NBC News
An Oregon mother who blogged about the struggle to care for her autistic son allegedly threw the 6-year-old off a bridge and then called police to tell them,…JESUS!
I think the fact that she and Kelli Stapleton were both “autism mom” bloggers is not a coincidence. I think there’s something very very scary and dangerous about the way most of that community talks about their children. And it’s past the point where it’s just harmful, it’s actually resulted in two separate parents trying to kill their children, and one succeeding.
This wasn’t even a murder-suicide. It was just a murder. She decided her son was too difficult, so she murdered him. I hope she spends the rest of her life in prison.
hey if you’re allistic you absolutely need to reblog this. this needs to get out there. just saying
hey how about allistics not fucking ignore this like every other murder of autistic children, dont ignore how the media is painting the mother as stressed and on edge as an excuse, dont ignore how she’s not being fully blamed and how this was an “understandable” response because her child was too much of a “burden.” dont fucking ignore this. the media is victim blaming a dead six year old do not ignore this