Profit in Sexual Abuse on YouTube: It’s Google, Too.



Profit in Sexual Abuse on YouTube: It’s Google, Too.

So. This is going to be long. Strap in.

I’ve been a skosh slapdash about doing the appropriate reading, so I just caught up on all this Sam Pepper stuff. If you haven’t, watch the video I posted above by lacigreen. It is the basic rundown of what has gone on way too long.

Very short summary? There is a collection of male YouTubers making careers out of being assholes, which is no surprise: what was a surprise to me was to learn that some of them are uploading well-documented illegal behavior* (pinching women’s butts, wagging their penises at unsuspecting women, tying women up, handcuffing themselves to women, kissing women without consent, and even in one broadcast what appears to be an actual physical assault – see the video above video for footage of ALL of these things). For their channels which include this well-documented illegal behavior, they have been roundly rejected from the media platform and creator community before they could gain a foothold and then were served arrest warrants in their homes have made money and gained fans. 

In the wake of the clamor caused by this well-documented illegal behavior, women have begun to come forward with stories of sexual assault, and in some cases rape, perpetrated by the makers of these videos. We, of course, now sit through silence from the alleged** offenders while their PR agents and legal teams – bought and paid for with the money they made by uploading videos including well-documented illegal behavior – circle the wagons and try to save their careers from ending and their lives from incarceration.

Now, I am not going to go into the heinous nature of their actions, though well-documented illegal behavior is the nicest terminology I could work up for it… and that’s because Laci Green is leading a movement inside and outside the YouTube community on that topic, and she does it best. 

There’s another element of it all that has been eating at me. I’ve said five times now how YouTube is hosting this illegal activity and allowing these execrable people and their copycats to prosper and potentially become famous off of it. YouTube itself is prospering from it. And now these little twerps, these putrescent skin-sacks impersonating actual humans, are walking TV studios, with teams and assistants and editors and agents and managers. With power and influence to scare victims into silence. Who reach millions upon millions of people inside of a keystroke and can drum up a tidal wave of support for almost anything they do, including and most importantly…yes…well-documented illegal behavior.

So here is my question.

Where is Google/YouTube in all of this?

[I had to put it under a cut. It’s kind of really really long.]

Read More

All so accurate.

Also, thanks for the shout, girl <3


I get so, so many questions asking me: what if the abuser had a bad childhood? what if they belong to a marginalized group? what if what if what if, haven’t you thought about their pain?

and the idea that any of that explains for the abuse of another human being is abhorrent. the idea that we don’t already live in a world that loves to make excuses for abusers is so foreign. 

where is the empathy for the abused? what about their bad homelife? what about the fact that they’re more likely than their abuser to belong to a marginalized group? what about their pain?

Shut the fuck up about 50 shades of grey. No one fucking cares



oh hun

let me just give you a quick run down of all the things wrong with this ask:

1-you assume i care what some asshole anon has to say when i have 300 pounds and i’m going kikass birthday shopping today

2-you assume id care about some asshole anon any other day of the year

3-i care about the 50 shades of grey thing. and whether you do or not is irrelevant to me because you are, after all, just an asshole anon

4- this is my blog and i’ll post whatever the fuck i want, if you cant take three fucking posts about something without turning into a soggy cum stained dishrag then i suggest you make use of that unfollow button because youre gross

5- lemme break this down for you

if you dont care about this 50 shades situation, you need to grow the fuck up and look at the facts

the fact is the book was so misinformed that all the practises about bdsm culture were ignored and shit all over.

he ignores the safeword

he legitimately rapes her

he never explains everything about bdsm culture to her, shes so misinformed its ridiculous

and all of this is going even more public than it already has and its being romanticised and released on valentines day 

like “happy valentines honey! i bought some ropes i dont actually know how to tie and a whip i dont actually know how to use and i’m going to just gloss over the fact you’re uncomfortable because that clearly doesnt matter!”

incorrect use of a whip can cause organ failure

incorrect knots used on wristst or feet can literally cause them to need to be amputated

its perpetuating rape culture in ways ive never seen it be advanced to this leve; and if you dont care then youre truly disgusting 

you dont care about the kids not fully understanding their sexuality being abused by older people who they think are totally allowed to do this shit?

you dont care about the people that will be raped because of this because hey apparently rape is sexy?

you dont care about the fact that the bdsm culture is, once again, being portrayed as people who are fucked up and must have been abused to be that way rather than normal people who enjoy a kink in their own homes?

you dont care about the fact that youre not supposed to bleed on your first time. ever. and now tons more girls are going to think that its completely normal? that tons more guys will? that tons of people are going to think its expected for the female to bleed when SHE WONT IF SHES BEEN SUFFICIENTLY TURNED ON AND STRETCHED ITS REALLY NOT THAT HARD

you dont care about the stereotype of subs not actually enjoying bdsm culture is being widespread? that all subs dislike it and simply have an ulterior motive?

you dont care about the underlying message of the book being “a woman should give everything, including herself, to a man”?

you dont care about all the people in abusive relationships that will think “oh well this must be normal then” and stay there?

christian grey is a run-of-the-mill abusive boyfriend. he isnt a dom. 

a dom loves his/her sub completely and the motto of bdsm is “safe, willing and sane” (or something like that anyone feel free to correct me)

it means that both partners have to be completely willing, with boundaries, safewords and everything worked out before they even think about touching eachother intimately. 

if something is a boundary, you dont fucking do it

that simple

if the safeword is used it stops. everything stops

that simple

a dom should treat his sub like a goddamn princess (unless they have prearranged and understand that he wont eg-pet play, slave play where anything outside of the bedroom is also in the same dynamic HOWEVER IT IS STILL CONSENSUAL SO IT IS STILL OKAY)

a dom is not christian grey

but millions of people are going to think he is and are going to think that thats the way bdsm should be and they’ll get involved in something very dangerous if they dont have the real facts.

that people will think its romantic because this shit is scheduled for valentines day  to treat your partner like shit, abuse her, and that what? getting them off absorbs you of all your shit? no. this is so fucking gross and im not taking a backseat when this shit happens

so in conclusion

literally fuck you, you insensitive fuck stain, this issue is so fucking important.
