

omfg i don’t think non-australians even understand how flammable australia actually is
it’s hot and dry and every single piece of native vegetation here is literally designed to burst into flames
it’s like we’re living on a continent made entirely of kindling

“Eucalyptus oil is highly flammable (ignited trees have been known to explode);[8][19]bushfires can travel easily through the oil-rich air of the tree crowns.[20][21] Eucalypts obtain long-term fire survivability from their ability to regenerate from epicormic buds situated deep within their thick bark, or from lignotubers,[22] or by producing serotinous fruits.”

not only are these trees flammable enough to literally explode, they can thrive after being burned via buds way deep inside them.


AU where Hogwarts students were actually nice to Filch and if they broke something or made a mess they’d use charms to fix it instead of expecting an old man to clean up all their shit. And maybe they’d send him cards at christmas, or ask him to play a game of chess with them, or maybe even bring treats for Mrs. Norris. Or heck, maybe even apologize when they screwed up. Why was everyone so mean to Filch.