

Well, there we have it. Our new PM is Tony Abbott. Barring some sort of robo-dinosaur takeover by Clive Palmer, it’s going to be like that for the next three years.

Tempting as it may be to just chuck it all in because you and everyone you know is fucked out the arse because of this, it’s only going to be three years.

Three years may seem like a long time, but in terms of political careers, it’s a flash. Public opinion is fickle and will immediately sway against Abbott. Maybe not tonight, maybe not next week, but in the coming months it will.

His opinon polls will slip further and further into chaos as more and more disasters pile up. He’s not a charismatic man, he can barely make a statement without needing a press conference explaining that he fucked up and his policies will slowly but surely make people realise that they’re getting screwed over.

It will happen. Have no doubts about this. And all you need to do after this is keep doing what you’ve all been doing tonight. Write, paint, sing, film, protest, legislate, do whatever you can to go against what is happening.

I think that if you love this country, you won’t flock to NZ or anything like that. That’d just leave this great nation to fester in it’s own mistakes. Stay here and make sure that things like this don’t happen again.

Chris is on point.

As much as I joke about moving back to NZ, no way am I going to. Anyone who voted for Abbott deserves this, and they’ll soon realise their mistakes. We can get through this, of course we can.

And if anything at all, at least we’ll get some fucking great satire from this.

Stay strong, Australia. We can do this thing.