?? why are kangaroos depicted with boxing gloves
I got loads of sleep last night and I felt great all day but I’m trying to go to sleep at a reasonable time and IM NOT TIRED AT ALL GOD DAMMIT
approx cost of me buying all homestuck albums last week: $68 AUD
approx cost of me buying all homestuck albums now: $222 AUD
i’d like to thank photoshop cc for using ALL MY RAM

things @staff should actually do
- fix asks so they’re actually reliable
- fix that thing where ur dash starts skipping all over the place and won’t scroll properly
- make sure audio posts actually play all the time
- get rid of the “search” thing
- make it so more than the first 5 tags end up in tracked tags
i wanna play undertale… but i have no time to play games… noooo…