read this if you are beth, beth, or zoe

yes this is for my birthday!! mum says she will make cake c:

beth if you can’t come this weekend it could be next weekend or the weekend after or something, jsut I figured if it’s early in the term it’s closer to my actual birthday and we’re less likely to be drowning in school.

also we can like… watch movies or tv or whatever. maybe sit around blogging for hours. idk.

 andialpers said: no no no i still like my pencils quite a lot. they’re just the book pack ones. 🙂

the book pack ones are my favourite actually, they’re way better than you’d expect.

 andialpers said: Nothing in art really goes the way I want it to, so I’m rather resigned to that – and you’re right, watercolours just look really beautiful! I also have some watercolour pencils, but I prefer the paints.

I think I might have gotten better at watercolours paints after using the pencils for a while… but they still don’t do what I want :c

 andialpers said: Yeah, I completely understand. I think I’m going to have to buy myself some watercolours, actually – the only ones I have are ones I used when I was little, and so they’e in a very child-mangled state. 😛 I really like them.

I think watercolours hate me. they never do what I want them to. but I also really like how watercolour looks, so I use watercolour pencils. (the school got a set of 144 watercolour pencils last year, with 12 of each colour. they are now mostly lost and not in order and gah) but yeah you should get watercolours! 

Frances the art theft. You really are one of my favourite human beings, and I may steal this trait and add it to a character. Also, if you do feel the urge to take some watercolours, feel free to bring them to me. I love them.

I probably won’t steal watercolours, though, because it’s too much like actual stealing. I can justify other stuff, but with watercolours they’d just sit on my shelf accusingly D:

but theft of art supplies would be a really cool character trait 🙂

I just wrote really bad fanfiction about an inside joke three people will get. Why.

She was so excited about finally getting to Hogwarts. It was even better than she’d expected. However, after the boat ride, and the sorting (Ravenclaw! Yes!), and the speeches, and the feast, she was exhausted. She was at the point of getting irritated at Hogwarts’ insane number of stairs when she arrived at the Ravenclaw tower. The eagle doorknocker looked at her opened its mouth, and said:

“Do sea kayaks have sails?”

She blinked. “What?”

“Do sea kayaks have sails?”

“That is a really, really stupid question.”

The eagle doorknocker eyed her balefully.

“But it is! Who even cares? It doesn’t have any effect on anyone’s life, ever. Like, maybe oceanic kayakers. But no one else.  I thought I was going to have a really meaningful question of something. But no, I get the most useless one ever. Why.”

The doorknocker gave her a look.


The other Ravenclaws found her the next morning, still glaring at the doorknocker and muttering about sea kayaks.

(this is really bad ugh)