they went from “unarmed teen shot” to “armed black teen” hours later
where did a gun come from
Just another WordPress site
they went from “unarmed teen shot” to “armed black teen” hours later
where did a gun come from
In case anyone is willing to definitely say that Antonio Martin was pointing a gun at the officer in that incredibly vague video, I’d like to remind you that just a few months ago in Michigan the police spent 40 minutes attempting to persuade a white man openly carrying a rifle to place his weapon on the ground. When Elliot Rodger went on a killing spree at UCSB, he received a non fatal gunshot to the hip from the police. In the 2011 Sandy Hook shootings, Adam Lana killed 26 people and throughout the entire event law enforcement did not discharge their weapons at any point. Whether or not he had a gun, nothing warranted Antonio Martin’s death, and nothing justifies leaving his body in the streets for two hours like roadkill.
Ami Glazer (via theleftist)
And they didn’t even just leave his body for two hours, they left him bleeding actively, still alive and suffering, and DYING, and they didn’t call for medical assistance.
(via yungmeduseld)
An Imperial Wizard in the KKK called for sympathetic/secret member cops to kill in revenge for Brooklyn at 1:00 PM this fucking afternoon in the exact same fucking town where Antonio Martin was killed. This is not a coincidence. This was a lynching. And the media is not reporting on the KKK connection because they don’t want it to be known.
Can anyone get a source on this?
can you imagine? your teenage son killed on christmas eve? shot and left bleeding for 3 hours outside a gas station literally bc he allegedly matched the description of a burglar? in 2014?
i feel immense anguish and empathy for antonio martin’s family and also cannot even begin to fathom what his mother is going through right now. white supremacy is simply so pervasive that this sort of reality is something i will never be forced to encounter
it’s been reported by multiple folks on the scene of Antonio Martin’s shooting that police left him to die without getting medical assistance, he could have survived had they made the effort. so not only was he 18 and unarmed, even when they made the exaggerated move of taking him down for whatever reason and he was helpless on the ground no longer posing a threat to em (if there even was a threat) they left him to die.