Non Australians: I wish we had summers like australia!
Australians: ….
Non Australians:…….
Australians: I’m sorry I can’t respond, I’ve melted on the sidewalk.
the australians probably laugh at us each time we celebrate a holiday a day late
we do
it’s true
australia: this godforsaken island in the middle of the fucking ocean where no one ever comes and music and movies come out late and usually cost more than in the us
I still don’t understand like
here in australia we finish the school year and go away for the summer have christmas and new years, then finish summer holidays and come back to school in the new year to start a new year of school?!
Merry Christmas one and all from Australia
wow, 100 notes, Merry Christmas to me!
this is my favourite thing to make non australians listen to
We used to sing this in Primary School. Oh primary school. Why did you torture us so?
Embarrassed that I know all the words. *secretly rocking out*
#that’s it that’s our whole culture in one song (via oh-christmas-troy)
Oops it reblogged itself.
I fucking love Australia.
Australia and it’s cities.
Sydney: Tourist attractions with amazing beaches. Don’t go out west though unless you want to get shanked.
Melbourne: Shopping, coffee, AFL, Frankston is the big no-no.
Brisbane: Gold Coast and theme parks. Don’t you fucking call it BrisVegas!
Adelaide: The Great Australian Bight. Giant robot testicles in the mall. Nothing else.
Darwin: Crocodiles, snakes. Shit all but red dirt.
Hobart: Beautiful scenery. Incest.
Perth: Amazing beaches, rich cunts. Don’t go to the end of the train lines.
Canberra: Parliament. That’s it.
apocalypse update 12/21/12
the city of townsville
is unDER ATTacK
Townsville is an actual place
it’s in australia.
not only are australians funny, we are hot too
Not that we have any choice about that in this fucking weather.