a bunch of fucking morons, about to get mind-controlled:
the general consensus in the notes is that youd all yell ‘wildcats’ back even though you know about shinsous quirk so really it’s just proving my point even more isnt it.
One day a journalist is going to tell Izuku that people think he’s going to be the next All Might and Izuku starts tearing up and another journalist is going to chime in with “No way, he’s going to be the first Deku!” and Izuku is going to start sobbing on live television while a building he just rescued people from continues to burn down in the background.
If Aizawa were to look at himself in the mirror and attempt to erase his quirk, what would happen?
If Aizawa were to erase Tooru’s quirk, then she could see what she looks like. I wonder if she’d even want that or if she’s fine not knowing.
Speaking of Tooru, was she just born invisible or did her quirk slowly manifest and she just started to slowly grow invisible? I can’t tell which one is scarier if I was her parents.
….Were her parents invisible too? Imagine delivering an invisible baby from an invisible couple like what the fudge
How much hair gel/hairspray does Kirishima need to hold up his hair? How long does it take him to do that hairstyle every single morning?
Kind of a sad one but where is Izuku’s father? The only time he’s mentioned is in the first episode when Inko says “my husband can breathe fire” but other than that he’s never really mentioned right?
When Shouto gets old, then all of his hair will finally be white.
Is Tsuyu’s tongue attached to the front of her mouth or the back? Frog tongues are attached to the front of the lower jaw as opposed to how human tongues are attached to the back. This is why frogs don’t have a set of bottom teeth (because it would block the tongue from flicking out and catching prey). So I guess to figure it out, we’d have to know if Tsuyu has bottom teeth.
for halloween aizawa comes into class shaved, with make up over his scar, and with a UA school uniform on. no one can figure out what the fuck is going on and if this is aizawa-sensei or some 15 year old related to him
someone thinks it might just be shinsou in a wig
On the same day Shinsou comes dressed as Eraserhead and no one can tell them apart.
they didn’t even plan it.
it just happened.
babyfaced aizawa just stares at shinsou for a long time and then sits in his class seat
shinsou is standing in the doorway, dressed exactly like his teacher, and has no fucking idea what to do, so he puts on his best aizawa voice and tries to do roll call
Shinsou almost makes it through the entire class pretending to be Aizawa. It’s not until Shinsou goes to nap in Aizawa’s sleeping bag that Aizawa finally gets up. By then Shinsou tries to mess with everyone by claiming he’s actually Aizawa.