Twilight Princess Link: Sits patiently by the edge of a river for three hours to catch a single minnow, which he then shows off to several people
Breath of the Wild Link: Fucking power dives off a fifty foot waterfall, shirtless and screaming, to catch a carp with his bare hands, which he then cooks with watermelon, crabs, and milk, creating a seafood dish that lets him temporarily fight God
I find I’m quite taken with the image of Link that we get in Breath of the Wild; i.e., that of someone who’s sensitive, compassionate, a bit easily startled, compelled to pet every dog he meets, yet at the same time the sort of person who will quite willingly paraglide off a mountainside – naked, screaming and possibly on fire – in order to get the drop on an enemy many times his size, rip its arm off, beat said enemy to death with said arm, then hang onto it just in case he runs into anything else that seems to be in need of a good arming.