Protect young lesbians from being brain washed by the cult mentality that is TERFs/TWERFs and radfems
As someone who was in the radfem crowd when I was much younger, can I just add some examples?
- Encouraging women to mock/harras trans people of any gender identity
- Telling trans lesbians that they aren’t real lesbians and that cis lesbians who date/would date trans lesbians aren’t real lesbians either
- Mocking and being terrible to those with dysphoria, which a lot of lesbians, regardless of whether cis or trans struggle with
- It’s a group where you feel like you honestly can’t speak out or say what you feel for fear of ostracization and rejection? There’s a huge reward/punishment system for buying into radfem beliefs and scare tactics used to keep young radfems ‘in their place’
- I still get hate messages from people who say I have been “brainwashed into liberalism” aka I don’t hate trans women and that in and of itself is an offense to them
- Misgendering
- Shunning of those who question their gender in any way, belief that those people are traitors to womanhood
- Don’t believe in nonbinary lesbians so…. there’s that
- Also the radfem community is just really lesbophobic in general, even to lesbian radfems. Shit like refusing to believe in compulsory heterosexuality, dismissal of lesbian issues, insistence that lesbians speaking out against lesbophobia is a bad thing AKA shit that has been happening in het feminist communities for the dawn of time. And yes, radfems will claim to be oh so pro-lesbianism so they can claim they’re for “all women” but there’s so much hate even to the “right” lesbians aka cis
- Slurs. Tip to young lesbians- run far far away from people who use any kind of slurs. You may think someone using the t slur doesn’t affect you, but if they’re willing to use dehumanizing language to any marginalized group, they will turn against you. And any group that allows the use of the t slur is, in my opinion, a hate group
Being young is hard and being a lesbian is hard. If you ever feel unsafe in any community, online or in real life, radfem or other, if you feel like you can’t say what you really feel without getting punished, it isn’t the right space for you. There will be places for you where you feel comfortable, at home, and know that your morals aren’t being compromised. You will find this place someday
If older people have manipulated you into being part of a bad group in the past, know that you were young and you can change. It’s a part of growing up and personal growth, a process which every young lesbian deserves <3
I actually saw a post in the radfem tag about how to nurture and groom young new radfems and if that isn’t evidence that it’s a fucking cult, I don’t know what is.
Stop all TERFS
this isnt even including all the islamophobia/racism that radfems ENCOURAGE