alright im gonna tell you a story about a guy in my health class and some things i learned because of
So in health we have a (brief incredibly brief) unit about mental health and we talked about depression/suicide at the very end of the unit. The teacher asked us what we would do if someone told us they were planning on committing suicide and one guy said, “I’d tell them to go do it then.“ I was shocked and wondered why the hell he thought that was a good idea. The teacher asked him to explain and he told us that, “If they were really serious about it then they would do it, but if they were kidding like ‘im gonna shove my head in a pipe’ then I would know because they’d still be alive.”
Idiotic right? That didn’t make any sense to me but the more I thought about it the more I realized that this is how people think, that this is how anons might think when you say you are depressed or don’t want to live anymore.
So anons who think they are helping by telling a follower to go kill themselves I’m gonna make this simple, you aren’t being helpful you are hurting a person. To the anons who know they aren’t helping and are sending hatemail for various other reasons I’m gonna let you in on a secret.
You are hurting someone in ways that can be more serious than face to face. You are being a bully. You may not like with this person and agree with their opinions but that does not entitle you to send hate of any sort JOKINGLY OR NOT. You are not entitled to bully them, harass them, and abuse them. You are being an asshole. And you need to realize that what you are doing is wrong and you need to stop. You are not helping and you are not being funny.
To summarize hate mail and death threats are bad and sending them to people makes you a bully and you can say that cyberbullies arent real bullies or whatever bullshit makes you feel better about that time you sent hate mail to someone you never met on or whatever website you visit. its still the same principal you are an asshole. be nice to people or at least tolerate them even if they say dumb things and do dumb things and are ignorant or asshole themselves you dont have the right to tell them to kill themselves or bully them so leave them alone. if you cant stand them unfollow them jfc its not that hard okay??
okay thats all i have to say rants over