Maybe next time, Arthur.
If you haven’t listened to Cabin Pressure you don’t know what true happiness is.
oh my god
If you like Cabin Pressure, you WILL watch this video and you WILL drown in your own tears of pain and feels. How can you even make something like this?! It’s a radio show! A comedy! This should not be possible!
This is amazing, just watch it OK?
I now present Mr. Arthur Shappey with the story of a famous Scottish actor who went on a solitary hike in Russia, got caught in the rain, and regretted not having packed with more care.
Or, as they say in Limerick:
Sean Connery,
in Vishnevolocheck,
in the rain,
on a drizzly solo trek,
“Forgetting my schweater, has made me much schwetter, I schertainly do miss my polo-neck!”
friendly reminder that arthur killed a man with a fire extinguisher
No idea…
Arthur’s use of the English language never fails to make me laugh.