God bless the cosplayers who buy full replica costumes. They support costume/prop makers from around the world.
God bless the cosplayers who throw together their costumes from charity shops and old clothes. Your resourcefulness and productivity is to be admired.
God bless the cosplayers who make their costumes from scratch. Your creativity and skill is incredible and inspiring.
God bless cosplayers, for letting us all for just one day be more than who we are.
On friday, I went to school in my Grell cosplay. On friday, I wanted to celebrate a fun day with some friends I met at a convention who are attempting to put on a nearly impossible show. On friday, I went to school expecting a few strange looks, confused questions, rude comments, and maybe even a few laughs.
What I didn’t expect was that I would be attacked by someone that I had never even seen before.