remember when doctor who didn’t have as big of a budget so they had to rely on plot
Nine out of ten doctors recommend going on a trip to an amusement park this weekend
The tenth doctor doesn’t want to go
how many followers did you lose because of this post
‘Steven Moffat to remain Doctor Who showrunner for series 9’
Well then.
*throws hands up in defeat*
“Sitting here, right now, just before the [series eight] finale shooting block, I’ve figured out the cliffhanger to the penultimate episode of the next series,” he wrote.
“And it’s a whopper. Ohh, I don’t think you’ll see this coming!”
Okay I am honestly getting really tired of all these dramatic big epic twists, turns, and finales.I am actually starting to feel numb to them. Because it’s like he’s trying to make it bigger and bigger and it’s at a point where it’s so ridiculous that I just /DON’T CARE/ at all any more. I just want stuff to be fun and simple again.I just want Doctor Who.Please. For the love of god, just give me Doctor Who.I don’t need these mind boggling thrillers leading to awe inducing super smart finales that take multiple seasons to reach all the time.^^^^^^^ All of this.
He needs to be stopped.
y’all think it’s a coincidence that we went from the variation of a young working class companion and her poc working class boyfriend, a very visibly Not Straight companion, a woc companion and an older, lower middle class companion, to two young, thin, white, well-off middle class companions and also a white middle class boyfriend
Non-Whovian friend: I just watched a really cool episode of Doctor Who the other day!
Very Whovian me: Which one?
friend: The world was ending.
me: …
me: could you
me: could you be more specific
reasonable issues to have with river song:
- she was said to be bisexual but this was never stated in-narrative
- her narrative rarely focuses on anything but her connection to the doctor instead of exploring things that got less development (like her job as an archeologist)
- Her story arc drags on for longer than necessary
not reasonable issues to have with river song
- “She’s too old!”
- “She’s a mary sue!”
- “her catchphrase is stupid”
- “The Doctor only loves rose!”