

petition to take the words ‘psychopath’ and ‘sociopath’ away from steven moffat forever

petition to take the shows sherlock and doctor who away from steven moffat forever 





Hey so if it’s your headcanon that the Doctor isn’t asexual that’s fine but if you ever try to say that the Doctor CAN’T be asexual then I do not ever want to talk to you or see you or be within ten feet of you, ever.

noun: asexual; plural noun: asexuals
  1. a person who has no sexual feelings or desires.

OOC: Yes, because it hasn’t been canon since 1963 that the Doctor has a granddaughter which (as it was presented long before the audio’s idea of Looms, which has never been shown on the show and actually goes against evidence on the show) sort of implies he also had a wife. And don’t forget the Aztec woman.

Let’s go forward a few regenerations. Rose, Elizabeth I, River, Clara. I’m not saying he can’t be asexual, but for an ace guy he’s sort of a space whore.

And it may have just been a non-canon skit, but…


  • The definition you’re using is outdated. “Never or rarely experiences sexual attraction” is a more accurate definition
  • having children/a partner doesn’t make you allosexual
  • ooh they formed a close relationship with someone I’ve never heard of an ace person doing that
  • no “wife” has ever been mentioned. Please specify.
  • Looms are from the books, not the audios
  • Plus, when does it go against canon? There’s nothing to suggest gallifreyans give birth
  • At what point was it implied he felt sexual attraction towards anyone? Rose? Clara? It’s possible to form close relationships without feeling sexual attraction.
  • “space whore”
  • ‘non canon’ is a key word here
  • Ace people still have the ability to talk sexually/make dirty jokes

In addition, the whole fucking point of this post was to tell people like you to stop shitting on people’s interpretation of a character and your first instinct is to shit on someone’s interpretation of a character


all of the people arguing against an ace/aro interpretation of the doctor equate ‘asexual/aromantic’ with ‘unable to feel emotions towards other people’


It’s very sad when a TV show that you used to love reaches the point where, instead of getting all excited and praising the writers and plots and characters for hours, the best thing you can honestly say when someone asks you about it is, “Well, hopefully they won’t fuck it up TOO badly…”

Why does the man behind ‘Doctor Who’ and ‘Sherlock’ still have a job?

Why does the man behind ‘Doctor Who’ and ‘Sherlock’ still have a job?