Porn hits new low with Eric Garner ‘I Can’t Breathe’ protest parody
Porn hits new low with Eric Garner ‘I Can’t Breathe’ protest parody
Hey, look at that. Porn continues to be fucking horrible and uphold the racist, sexist, violent status quo.
pro porn folks will be quiet about this too then go on reblogging about anti-black racism as if they give a crap. sex pozzies too,never have a word to say about these things.
What the flying fuck is this? I’m speechless.
Half of those under 30 (50%) call the Ferguson decision wrong, compared with 22% of adults 65 and older. When it comes to the Garner case, about three-in-four (74%) adults under 30 say the grand jury was wrong, while 41% of those 65 and older say the same.
There are sharp racial divisions – and age and partisan divisions – in reactions to the cases of Michael Brown and Eric Garner. (via brooklynmutt)
Dec. 9 3:49 pm
- The DOJ’s report of Mike Brown’s autopsy. Death ruled a homicide.
- Ferguson grand jury documents withheld (x)
- More anger, action at Ferguson Commission meeting (x)
- Ferguson book gifts grow; library donations over $350,000
- Gov. Nixon declined 7 year old Leah Flynn’s offer to play her violin for Ferguson. However, she did play for STL Fox 2 News.
- STL police to parents: keep eye on your kids or face court date
- Cellphone rights guide for protesters in the US
- FBI probe into Eric Garner death “will take months”
- NYC Mayor de Blasio details talk with biracial son on dealing with police
- The conversation black parents have with their kids about cops
- John Legend and Chrissy Teigen hire food trucks to feed NY protesters (x)
- Columbia offers exam rescheduling for students traumatized by Brown, Garner rulings
- In 179 NYPD-involved deaths, only 3 indicted and 1 convicted
- NYC Council members protest for Eric Garner and Mike Brown
- Hampton, VA Mayor Wallace faces backlash for participating in die-in