
Guys, it is extremely important to spread information about Michael Brown’s murder and the events in Ferguson, but please, please do not spread pictures of Michael Brown’s body in the street. His family has asked multiple times for them to be taken down in an attempt to try and give him and his memory some dignity and respect.


Angry, largely white, fully-armed militia folk point guns at law enforcement at Bundy ranch with no repercussions, but a mostly black crowd of unarmed protestors with their hands in the air in Ferguson, Mo. necessitate tear gas, rubber bullets, armored vehicles, and martial law.

White gun fetishists open carry AR-15s into big box stores and it’s their right, but a black man picks up a BB gun at Walmart, carries it up front, and is gunned down after a panicked shopper called 911 to report a black man with a gun.

Please. Lecture me about post-racial America.




Do you know how much I would know about what’s happening in Ferguson if it wasn’t for social media? Nothing. Zero. 


Jokes aside I feel like we all need to take a minute to thank the people on the streets literally risking their lives bringing us this information with their cell phone video cameras. Ferguson is on media lockdown right now and without the people braving tear gas to bring us this information we’d all be in the dark.


I want to urge all of my followers to keep the fire of Ferguson alive. I know that saying “THERE’S ROOM FOR THIS ON YOUR BLOG” and “SPREAD THIS LIKE WILDFIRE” are tumblr cliches that we roll our eye at but it’s imperative that everyone spread this to the best of their abilities. We are blessed with social media that is too big, that moves too quickly and freely for any police force to shut down or threaten with arrest. If you have an audience of any size, if you are at all invested in this as you should be, do not stop reblogging, retweeting, sharing, posting. Spread this as far as you can. It’s the least you can do and for many it’s all the power they have. Own your media and do not let anyone go uninformed

I’m proud to not be an American, where at least I know I won’t be shot, hit with tear gas, and arrested.

Literally every non-American right now