Something that’s forever hysterical to me: how all the
clever and subtle English-name symbolism in FMA becomes so wallopingly in-your-face once you translate the
whole series into English
“Ah yes, Riza Hawkeye. The sharp shooter. With eyes so
sharp, we’ve taken to calling her ‘the
Hawk’s eyes’ on account of this. Riza “The Hawk’s Eyes” Hawkeye. The
similarity is coincidence ignore that.”
“Alex Armstrong. With arms so strong we call him the Strong
Arm alchemist. Alex ‘Strong Arm’ Armstrong. What were the odds of this.”
“King Bradley, first name King. The Fuhrer, leader, ruler,
president. ‘Fuhrer King Bradley’. ‘King King’ if you will. Why our military is
full of coincidences.”
Thing #2 that’s forever hysterical: how the English symbolism becomes SO wallopingly literal that at least half the English-speaking fandom never realizes “King” is Bradley’s corny af first name
FMA03 Scar is just so bishie. He looks like he’s in danger of starting a boy band any second. He’s so delicate. So streamline and alluring. He was an extra in a shojo anime who stumbled on set and they were like “shit man we needed someone to play the vengeful murderer youre hired”
And Brotherhood Scar is just so goddamn shredded. 80% jawline. 15% cheek bones. 5% man pain. Dude coulda bench-pressed Sloth out of the fucking Briggs fortress if he’d just been around for it. Testosterone is ashamed of its masculinity around Brotherhood!Scar. Someone chiseled a block of marble and it started talking and everyone just rolled with it.
How are these two the same character howd this happen I’m just fucking laughing
“My emotions are very complex and sometimes I cry while writing free-verse poetry.”
FMA03 Scar is just so bishie. He looks like he’s in danger of starting a boy band any second. He’s so delicate. So streamline and alluring. He was an extra in a shojo anime who stumbled on set and they were like “shit man we needed someone to play the vengeful murderer youre hired”
And Brotherhood Scar is just so goddamn shredded. 80% jawline. 15% cheek bones. 5% man pain. Dude coulda bench-pressed Sloth out of the fucking Briggs fortress if he’d just been around for it. Testosterone is ashamed of its masculinity around Brotherhood!Scar. Someone chiseled a block of marble and it started talking and everyone just rolled with it.
How are these two the same character howd this happen I’m just fucking laughing
“My emotions are very complex and sometimes I cry while writing free-verse poetry.”
This isn’t mentioned in Brotherhood, but the reason Roy and Riza came to Resembool scouting out the Elrics is because someone fucked up the ages on Ed and Al’s file.
Literally Roy and Riza are riding in the back of some horse-drawn carriage into Resembool chatting with the driver like “yes we’ve heard rumors of two alchemist brothers here, Ed and Al Elric ages 31 and 30 respectively. Do you know where they live?” And the driver pretty much answers with “lol what? Those kids are like 10.”
Except now Roy and Riza are already THERE so they decide “Fuck it. Let’s pay a visit anyway.”
So everything that went down in the series is thanks to some mysterious fuck up in the Amestrian Intelligence Department and I salute that person.
Bonus: He buries his goddamn face in the document at the end, like staring at it closer might make it less wrong.