this post is not a joke i’ve been thinking about this for months and i’m POSITIVE sburb would, in theory let players do this. in this panel, dave proves that players can create parts of themselves by trying to alchemize his own brain in a jar. his only limitation is lack of grist. also, the game clearly has no issue with resurrecting the dead (see: god tiers, life ring, aradia, dreamselves) or duplicates of characters (dreamselves again, dirk’s whole arc, (vriska)) or just straight up creating people (ectobiology) so i see no reason why you couldn’t bring back dead players this way, or even more upsetting, create a carbon copy of a living player. youd just need the right combination of items and an insane amount of grist, and not only would it be possible, but thematically relevant to sburb itself
imagine a fucking alchemiter 3d printing a homunculus
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just. imagine.
apparently she’s part rat
idk why she looks like chewbaka don’t even worry about it
I don’t think Winry gets enough credit as a genius. Like, automail would need her to understand engineering, robotics, anatomy, and particularly how nervous systems work, and she’s technically a surgeon. She was already a regular helper at Pinako’s shop when she was 11. At 15, she walked into a town full of top automail experts and impressed all but one of them with a rush-order arm she’d made. Then, she took over one person’s shop so thoroughly, her customers won’t even let someone else make the outer casings. On top of that, she read medical books as a child and not only understood them, but retained enough of it to successfully deliver a baby years later even though that had nothing to do with her preferred field. And she didn’t have any help from the Truth.
Winry might not be an alchemist, but she’s a medical and engineering genius and somebody needs to tell her that right now.
emperor ling yao breaking in through the fuhrer’s bedroom window in the middle of the night: hey mustang, listen, i- stop screaming- we gotta talk about trade and commerce
emperor ling, who became a legal adult like last week: hey mustang what are taxes