love how totally sympathetic my parents are about me and food

like i am an incredibly picky eater, i dislike most food (not an exaggeration) so mostly dinner is like, maybe something i like, a bunch of stuff i tolerate, a few things i dislike. but occasionally there’s stuff i just cannot deal with and i get absolutely zero sympathy.

like tonight we’re having some pasta dish and it’s got this cheese melted through it and the smell of that cheese alone makes me feel like throwing up. but guess what! that’s dinner! i gotta eat it! i can’t get out some leftovers or anything, i just gotta eat that. even tho it makes me feel sick. and i am literally an adult. 

and for my parents dinner is actually generally something great, because they get, like, good food and finding out what everyone did with their day! but for me it’s something i have to eat and forced socialisation (+ if it’s after a school day i am generally socially exhausted at that point)

they really do not understand what food is like to me. like my dad still gets mad at me for “not appreciating mum’s cooking” or whatever. like i know mum is objectively a good cook. that doesn’t change most food tasting disgusting to me.