Sydney University Hacks Its Bell Tower To Play The Freaking Game Of Thrones Theme

Yeah, you read right: the goddamn University of Sydney — those smartypantses — rigged their bell tower so it would play the incredible opening theme to Game Of Thrones. This is awesome.

This video was uploaded — and presumably captured — on Friday outside the main hall of the University of Sydney, and the jaunty bells are ringing out in clear, crisp harmony, the theme to Game of Thrones.


Jorah: Khaleesi, don’t do the thing.
Dany: I, Daenerys Stormborn, of House Targaryen, the Unburnt Mother of Dragons, Breaker of Chains, did the thing.


the reason why sansa stark is an amazing character to me isn’t because she endures or because she is smart or capable, but because 99% of the characters in the story have gone through horribly traumatic things and almost all of them end up becoming huge dicks because of it while sansa, despite experiencing trauma during such a formative stage in her life, has only gotten more kind/understanding.