“What if I just took all the bad ideas I’ve had over the last few months, and put them together into one giant shitpost as an homage to a joke AMV from 2007?” -me, a week ago
Yeah, this is what happens. I am so, so sorry. (except i cut it short because of tumblr’s upload limit, so i actually have plenty of bad ideas left)
This is also my 4000 followers special video! Thank you all so much! I hope you know what you signed up for.
mabel and dipper email their grunkles all the time. mabel uses so much chatspeak (because there are so many things to say!! and she doesnt have time to type out all the words it’s just better!”)
ford takes a solid month trying to decode whatever hidden messages the twins keep sending him before he finally gives up and goes to stan like “did they ever give you the key to solving this cryptogram?”
stan debates whether telling him or letting him think it’s a weird code and see how long it takes for him to realize
he finally asks mabel and she explains it to him and stan regrets it SO MUCH because ford is like “this is so efficient! shorthand that so many people know? wonderful!” and ford and mabel text all the time and stan has no clue what they’re saying it’s just a mishmash of letters??
Imagine if Ford used an overabundance of emoticons because that’s what the kids do.
Ford: “Mabel, I rly hope u and Dipper r gr8! 🙂 Ur gift made me L.O.L. 🙂 Stan and I G.2.G. but we will speak soon! 🙂 ^_~ (That winking face is for you, Mabel! I’m returning the wink you sent me.) |||||| <- That is now my electronic internet signature. Six fingers, pretty cool, right children?
Mabel: AHHHHH Grunkle Ford ur new signature is so amazing!!! ????? I’m glad u and Stan like our gift LOVE U LOTS TTYL <333333 ^_~