Burr: You’ve insulted me, embarrassed me, and ruined my career. I want an apology.

Hamilton: You’re wrong I have done nothing wrong ever this is all your fault BUT if it were my fault heres a list of 30 years worth of times i did insult, embarress, and ruin you


>Hamilton: Write your way out of it!

Of course! Writing! the only way you know to get yourself out of the sticky situations you often find yourself in, through absolutely no fault of your own whatsoever. You’re a genius!


Yes! Yes!!!!!! Truly this is the best thing you’ve ever written! You must publish this Post-haste. If this doesn’t get you out of that mess with the affair, Nothing will!

There’s no way this could possibly go wrong.

>days in the future, but not many


well that didn’t work.

it begins to dawn on you that everything you just did may have been a colossal mistake.

george washington: we are OUTGUNNED, OUTMANNED–
alexander hamilton: sir. there is no need to worry. i have three whole friends now.



I’m so disappointed in the Hamilton fandom. Everyone keeps saying Alex would wear heelys when CLEARLY the one obsessed w/ heelys would be Thomas Jefferson, I mean. The man invented the swivel chair. Alexander Hamilton on the other hand is more of a Light Up Sketchers kind of guy

Thomas wheeling past because Alex is too slow “I knew Laurens liked turtles Alexander but not necessarily in his bed”. Alex running after him with his shoes going RED BLUE WHITE RED BLUE WHITE.
Lafayette mutters “this is ridiculous”, and turns away on his hoverboard.