broke: jade must be good at cooking since she grows her own food
Jade must be adequate at cooking inasmuch as she successfully fed herself for eight years or whatever it was and restaurants weren’t exactly an option. Whether anyone ELSE would consider Jade’s cooking adequate is another matter.
…Though to be fair, the irradiated steak is for Bec.
this post is not a joke i’ve been thinking about this for months and i’m POSITIVE sburb would, in theory let players do this. in this panel, dave proves that players can create parts of themselves by trying to alchemize his own brain in a jar. his only limitation is lack of grist. also, the game clearly has no issue with resurrecting the dead (see: god tiers, life ring, aradia, dreamselves) or duplicates of characters (dreamselves again, dirk’s whole arc, (vriska)) or just straight up creating people (ectobiology) so i see no reason why you couldn’t bring back dead players this way, or even more upsetting, create a carbon copy of a living player. youd just need the right combination of items and an insane amount of grist, and not only would it be possible, but thematically relevant to sburb itself
imagine a fucking alchemiter 3d printing a homunculus
look it’s a well known matter of fact that each and every single boy in homestuck is a weenie baby when it comes down to it
open your eyes people! they’re all weenies! your fave could never and i know it hurts but you just need to accept and understand that they absolutely have not and never will match even a fourth of the tenacity literally any other homestuck girl has in their right pinkies alone
“Not even Dirk?” is what I’d ask if I didn’t know better.
dirk “im going to dissipate into a cloud of pixels due to my sheer manpain” strider is one of the biggest weenies of them all
Sollux is the closest. Literally kills himself twice to save everyone. I don’t know if fucking off into eternity after that counts as weenieing up, but every guy is at least second best to this weenie-ass nerd.
like literally nothing stopped kanaya’s flirtquest, the same day she met rose she was killed by some douche but it didnt mess up her plans. she just got back up, chainsawed him in half and went back to waggling eyebrows at her
this is literally the first time they meet in person
one thing i rly want to draw is aradia n dave showing each other sick fossils from their respective planets n dave just losing his mind at all the wild shit alternia had
“It’s canon that Taako stans Vriska” is a funny way to say that it’s one hundred percent canon that Taako will say anything five seconds long for $100 of a total sucker’s money